Integrate your ERP and your favorite apps with Dost

Discover the integration catalog available with Dost and maximize your business efficiencies.


Dost integrates with ERP systems to streamline and automate accounts payable processes. Our configuration page allows companies to customize country, currency, dates, taxes and values. Dost accelerates accounts payable automation.


Data Sources

Dost integrations simplify connection to existing systems, such as Gmail and Google Drive, to automate document receipt and secure storage. Our AI-powered technology extracts data from invoices, packing slips, and purchase orders. Our configuration menu allows you to customize country, currency, dates, taxes, and values. Connect your data source and enjoy the benefits of accounts payable automation.

Frequently asked questions
on automated invoice management

Can I add information manually?

Of course, you can add information by correcting the extracted fields. To learn how to do this, please refer to the user guide on YouTube.

Can I import or export documents and in what format can I export them?

Yes, you can export documents in .csv, xslx and json formats.

What information can I export?

You can export the general information of the processed documents, a graph of the optimized time, the data related to the economic savings by using our software and the classification of the types of processed documents.

Can I delete an erroneous document?

Of course, you can delete any documents that you have not yet processed and that are incorrect.

What do I do if a document tells me 'Error'?

If a document gives you an error, it will not be counted among the processed documents. You will have to try to upload it manually. As a last option, you can open a support ticket.

What types of documents can I process?

Any file in JPG, TIFF, PNG or PDF format will be valid for our artificial intelligence.
