Document capture withArtificial Intelligence

Say goodbye to manually uploading documents one by one.
Say hello to automatic, bulk document capture with Artificial Intelligence. Connect your data source and get started today.


Automate document capture in 3 steps

Connect, extract and download your delivery notes and invoices


Seamlessly connect
your data source

Effortlessly link your data sources, including email, Dropbox, OneDrive, and Excel, to Dost's platform. Our AI-powered system automatically retrieves documents, ensuring a smooth workflow and eliminating manual uploads. Save time while keeping all your data in one secure place.

Connect your data source


Extract all the data with unmatched precision

Leverage Dost's AI-powered technology to read and extract critical data from invoices and documents with 99% accuracy. Our intelligent system captures every detail, ensuring flawless data processing and eliminating errors. Focus on strategic decisions while we handle the accuracy.

Extract data


Sync your ERP and export the data

Dost integrates effortlessly with more than 200 ERP systems, automatically uploading extracted data for instant access. Say goodbye to manual data entry and ensure real-time synchronization with your ERP, enhancing efficiency and maintaining full control of your financial processes.

Upload your documents

Automate your DNs and invoices management

Dost eliminates manual data entry and reduces errors by speeding up the collection, verification and organization of your supplier documents, such as invoices and/or delivery notes. In addition, it provides a clearer view of supplier expenses, so you have better control of expenses in your finance department.

Start empowering your financial
department today

Frequently asked questions
on automated invoice management

Can I add information manually?

Of course, you can add information by correcting the extracted fields. To learn how to do this, please refer to the user guide on YouTube.

Can I import or export documents and in what format can I export them?

Yes, you can export documents in .csv, xslx and json formats.

What information can I export?

You can export the general information of the processed documents, a graph of the optimized time, the data related to the economic savings by using our software and the classification of the types of processed documents.

Can I delete an erroneous document?

Of course, you can delete any documents that you have not yet processed and that are incorrect.

What do I do if a document tells me 'Error'?

If a document gives you an error, it will not be counted among the processed documents. You will have to try to upload it manually. As a last option, you can open a support ticket.

What types of documents can I process?

Any file in JPG, TIFF, PNG or PDF format will be valid for our artificial intelligence.
